viernes, 11 de marzo de 2005

Interesting Thoughts...

From the THE SUN magazine, February 2005.
Tomado de la Revista THE SUN, Febrero 2005.

Sy Safranski's Notebook:

Disguised as the rising sun, God waved to me. Having lost patience with these cat-and-mouse games, I pretended not to notice. Last night God must have been hiding in the bedroom, because I made love with Norma and cried out his name, God answered, and for a moment I believed again. Then, hear pounding, I searced for him - under the bed, everywhere.

I can pretend that adoring Norma is the same as loving her - until she does something that isn't so adorable. Then I'm reminded it's an illusion I adore. Do I adore the illusion more that I love Norma?

The man who thirsts for water will still be wild with thist no matter how much he's admired, no matter how beautiful his surroundings, no matter how understanding his wife is. On the wall is a painting of a stream. He gets up. He straightens it.

Underneath these clothes, I'm naked. Underneath these thoughts, who am I?
(Esta última es mi preferida: "Debajo de estas ropas, estoy desnuda. Debajo de estos pensamientos, quién soy?"

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